Why you won't be able to see the duo in 2018...

Recording, releasing and touring Findings with Lukas has been a high point of my career. I’ve loved it. It’s been an amazing journey…
... but my next release is going to be a solo album, and Lukas has many exciting plans for touring and travelling (which means he'll be out of the country for quite a lot of next year with his lovely lady), so we're not booking any duo dates for 2018.
The current dates are the last chance to see “Ange Hardy & Lukas Drinkwater” as a duo for a while - come and see us in 2017 if you can :)
I can’t stand still. I can’t stop creating. I recorded “Bare Foot Folk”, “The Lament of the Black Sheep”, “Esteesee” and “Findings” over four consecutive years…. and in October this year I’ll be releasing another brand new 14 track album - “Bring Back Home”. I can’t wait to share it with you.
It’s this new solo album, “Bring Back Home”, which I’ll be touring in 2018 (a year in which I’m planning to not record another album).
“Bring Back Home” closes the loop that began with “Bare Foot Folk”. It’s a solo album. It’s not a project, these are just songs that I’ve written at the kitchen table because that’s what happens when I sit at my kitchen table.
The album includes the follow up story for ‘Mother Willow Tree’. There’s a song that adds to the trilogy that made up ‘Away With You Lassie’, ‘The Old Maiden’ and ‘The Storm has Now Begun’. There’s local folk lore, there’s a few traditional songs. There’s death, there’s hope, there’s love. This album has songs for my family, songs for my friends, and songs for me. It contains some of the most exposed, heartfelt, and stripped back material I think I’ve ever written.
Of course… it’s not just me... the album draws heavily on the unmistakable fiddle playing of Peter Knight, the accordion of Alex Cumming, the percussion of Evan Carson, the whistle playing of Jon Dyer, the cello skills of Lee Cuff, and – of course - the bass, guitar and vocals of Lukas Drinkwater.
I’ll launch pre-orders for this new album soon, but – before then – Lukas and I are about to head out on tour.
Come and see us in 2017, we’d love to see you.
Ange x

Posted by Ange Hardy on May 25th 2017