The Blazing Stump Folk Club, Geoff Lakeman & More!
One of the exciting things to come out of 2016 was that I was made Patron of my local folk club 'The Blazing Stump' which was a huge honour and rather a lovely feather in my cap.
The Blazing Stump is a lovely club set in the heart of Somerset. We have 'All Welcome' sessions on the second Friday of the month which are warm, welcoming, musical and amusing, with all kinds of instruments and different shades of folk music from traditional singers to singer songwriters, poetry to tunes and everything in-between. We have a good selection of 'join in' opportunities but also, as we move around the group, space is made for personal performances or shared pieces. Everyone gets a go but there is no expectation or pressure at all. You can just come along to be entertained! All instruments, all inclusive, all utterly lovely! (Can you tell I'm really rather fond of the place?)

I am really looking forward to the next session and hope that some of you will join us in the near future. (it is free entry and there is no 'membership' just... walk in and join in)
The next session is this Friday (13th January) at 8pm. An all welcome session. Bring your instruments and voices or just bring yourselves and enjoy the atmosphere
Alongside the 'All Welcome' evenings, the Blazing Stump also runs Guest nights. These are seated concert evenings and normally ticketed events. Usually with a short local support followed by two 40 minute performance sets from the guest separated by an interval (and the all important raffle).
I can't wait for the first of these this year, the absolutely wonderful Geoff Lakeman. Please do book your tickets as soon as you can and join us with this legendary guest, it will be a very special evening indeed!
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The next Guest evening will be the Askew Sisters on the 15th April 2017
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Posted by Ange Hardy on January 9th 2017