A beautiful thing happened yesterday, I received a call from a man who had found a promo copy of my album on his doorstep. Bizarrely It was the correct address but for a magazine which was definitely not at that address! So he opened it and called me to ask where he should send it as it looked far too nice to not find it's destination! I thanked him, sent out a new copy to the correct magazine address and told him to keep the copy. (this man does not listen to folk music, or know who I am, a complete unlikely home for the cd)
"Hello Ange, we spoke earlier regarding your cd that was sent to me by mistake, you were kind enough to allow me to keep it and I've listened to it, I have to say you have such a beautiful smooth soulful voice, I very much enjoyed your cd, I in particular like track 5 The Hunter, The Prey but my god track 11 A girl like her made me cry, my son is 9 yrs old and is on the autistic spectrum, he really struggles with the social aspects of life, this song brought to mind all the times he has struggled but brushed himself off, he had a rough day at school today and spent lunchtime (like many) alone, he is now at that age where he feels different and the other children are treating him so, but I know tomorrow he will get up and will try again, he is a lovely child and your song really brings to the forefront how lucky I am to have him in my life, so thank you so much
Regards Colin"
If this was the only person to have ever received the album it would have still been worth it. I bloody love my job!
Ange x
I thought it may be worth sharing the song intro and Lyrics to help put this into perspective...
A song for my daughter. Between the ages of 6 and 13 we had endless meetings trying to help her to be understood by teachers, carers and herself. Labels like ADHD and Asperger’s were always too wide sweeping and misunderstood to be much help; she’s a joyfully complicated bundle of uniqueness. Every day she wakes with a fresh start, a new perspective and no burdens whatsoever. We could all take a lesson from the positivity she greets every single day with.
There are no words for a girl like her. No box to fit this child in. There are no labels to discern. No books can know her heart within. And as we try to understand, she keeps with her a thickened skin. The days they deal a hardened hand but through it all her smile wins.
She’ll rise up singing in the morning sun. Seize the day with a smile and song. None will deter and none will harm, she’ll rise up singing in the morning sun.
There are no words for a girl like her. No one can tell which way is right. There are no lessons we can learn to give to her this will to fight. And as we try to understand she keeps with her a strength in song. The world to her is a foreign land, but through it all her heart is strong.
She’ll rise up singing in the morning sun. Seize the day with a smile and song. None will deter and none will harm, she’ll rise up singing in the morning sun.
There are no words for a girl like her. No box to fit this child in. And through it all I hope to learn from all the joy her kindness brings. And as we try to understand, I find a comfort in her ways. The world will try to pull us down. We should from her a lesson take.
She’ll rise up singing in the morning sun. Seize the day with a smile and song. None will deter and none will harm, she’ll rise up singing in the morning sun.
She’ll rise up singing in the morning sun. Seize the day with a smile and song. None will deter and none will harm, she’ll rise up singing in the morning sun.
So rise up singing in the morning sun. Seize the day with a smile and song. None will deter and none will harm, rise up singing in the morning sun.
Posted by Ange Hardy on November 24th 2017