Archive for 2017
Proud to be a patron of LCM (Laurel Canyon Music)
Posted by Ange Hardy on November 25th 2017
I'm really delighted to announce that I've been asked to be a patron of LCM (Laurel Canyon Music).
Folk Findings voted "LCM Radio Show of the Year"
Posted by Ange Hardy on November 25th 2017
We're delighted to have won our first award as radio presenters. Folk Findings has been voted "LCM Radio Show of the Year".
Posted by Ange Hardy on November 24th 2017
A beautiful thing happened yesterday...
Last 24 hours for some pre-order options - don't forget to order!
Posted by Ange Hardy on October 12th 2017
If you've not yet pre-ordered, we're down to the last 24 hours of availability for any of the options that involve inlay printing... because the mastered files are back from New York and we'll be sending the album off for replicating this weekend!
Why you won't be able to see the duo in 2018...
Posted by Ange Hardy on May 25th 2017
Recording, releasing and touring Findings with Lukas has been a high point of my career. I’ve loved it. It’s been an amazing journey... but my next release is going to be a solo album, and Lukas has many exciting plans for touring and travelling (which means he'll be out of the country for quite a lot of next year with his lovely lady), so we're not booking any duo dates for 2018.
The Findings Match Game - Prizes!
Posted by Ange Hardy on February 8th 2017
We're very excited to announce the prizes for the match game winners.
Folk Artist Gone T-Total... so how exactly does that work?
Posted by Ange Hardy on January 19th 2017
The Blazing Stump Folk Club, Geoff Lakeman & More!
Posted by Ange Hardy on January 9th 2017