Recording 'The Lament of the Black Sheep' ~ Day 15 in the studio
How to make mixing and editing notes on 14 tracks after a ten hour day in the studio...
Step 1 :
Start bath running
Step 2:
Pour yourself a large glass of red wine
Step 3:
Open note pad and a tub of raspberry swirl ice cream
Step 4:
Sit in bath with headphones on, eating ice cream, drinking wine and totally immerse yourself in your new album soaking in the warm bubbly water and the warm harmony tracksĀ
Step 5:
Completely forget to make notes
Step 6:
Revisit step 2 and move back onto step 3 again now sat on the bed with headphones on and tracks on loop
Step 7:
Stare at page blankly, give up writing notes on mixing and editing 14 tracks after a ten hour day in the studio and start writing a blog about how to write notes on mixing and editing 14 tracks after a ten hour day in the studio.
Step 8:
Revisit step 2 ;)
Posted by Ange Hardy on April 30th 2014