4 - St Decuman
A nod to my local herritage and town of Watchet. We live very close to the church of St Decuman. Local legend tells that Decuman was a hermit from Wales who sailed to Watchet, along with his favourite cow, on his cloak. He lived in peace next to a holy well, before being beheaded by a marauding Dane. However Decuman then retrieved his head and glued it back in place with water from the well. When he then drank milk without it leaking from his neck he finally found some believers. Decuman was buried in the churchyard which also houses a sculpture of a wild boar beneath a yew tree, a nod to the pagan rituals of Decuman’s time.
Oh the yew tree stands on sacred grounds
By the wall that circles those in peace
And beneath the tree by the stones and leaves
Stands a wild boar before the priest
I will rest my bones by the seven seas
Oh and for my cloak will a vessel be
And by the well upon my hill
I will pray for all before my feet
Oh the yew tree stands on sacred grounds
By the wall that circles those in peace
And beneath the tree by the stones and leaves
Stands a wild boar before the priest
I will bore a cow by my cloak so fine
Oh and how the milk it shall be my wine
And pray I will upon my hill
For the coming of a Christian time
Oh the yew tree stands on sacred grounds
By the wall that circles those in peace
And beneath the tree by the stones and leaves
Stands a wild boar before the priest
It was by a Dane, by a sharpened blade,
In a single stroke took away my head
And away it fell upon my hill
Now I am to fetch it back again
Oh the yew tree stands on sacred grounds
By the wall that circles those in peace
And beneath the tree by the stones and leaves
Stands a wild boar before the priest
I will to my well and the waters deep
Pray unto my God for my soul to keep
And there I will upon my hill
See my head onto my shoulders meet
Oh the yew tree stands on sacred grounds
By the wall that circles those in peace
And beneath the tree by the stones and leaves
Stands a wild boar before the priest
And the people see how the milk and wine
Oh it shall not run from the wounds of mine
And pray they will upon my hill
For the coming of a Christian time
So the yew tree stands on sacred grounds
By the wall that circles those in peace
And beneath the tree by the stones and leaves
Stands a wild boar before the priest