2 - Once I Was A Rose
I was great friends with a very elderly woman once. An artist in her youth, with an amazing sense of humour and the heart of a young girl. When she grew too old to live alone her family put her into assisted care where they visited every week. Then every month. Then every year. I saw her whenever I could and as time marched on arthritis robbed her of the ability to draw, or turn the pages of a book. Toward the end of her life she spoke to me of the overwhelming boredom that existed in the long hours of every day. This song is for her.
This is my "go and see your granny" song. A reminder to myself, as much as to anyone else, that life is too short not to make time for the people you love.
Harsh are the winters the evenings have drawn in
Home it is cold and my working day’s gone
Long are the hours for coming and going
Home it is empty, my patience is done
Once I was a summertime, past time, long ago
Once I was a summertime, once I was a rose
And slow are the winter days sitting and waiting
Fast were the finer days when I was young
Loud is the time piece my grandfather gave me
And I too like him one day soon will be gone
Once I was a summertime, past time, long ago
Once I was a summertime, once I was a rose
Grown are my little ones, constant and working
Far are their homes from the place I am now
And I was a daughter once, living and growing
And wishing my days past, I wish I’d slowed down
Once I was a summertime, past time, long ago
Once I was a summertime, once I was a rose