What's with all the trees???
I have decided to create these resources for many reasons, the most important of these is that I love my job, I love the folk community and I want to do my part to help the folk scene thrive.
A Resource for Folk Show Presenters, Listeners and Artists: Radio Show Listings, Featured Shows and Submission Details.
This is a daily list of links to folk and Acoustic radio shows including podcasts, live and listen again options and submission details for artists to send in their albums to be played on the shows.
Presenters: Feel free to tag us in playlists, post links to live chat threads and shows etc to our page and tweet your show broadcasts to us to be shared. Most days I will select one show to be the featured show. You can submit your show to the diary here http://www.angehardy.com/folk-radio-diary-submit-your-show
"The Folk Radio Diary really helps to connect Artists with Presenters"
- Chris Arscott's Folk & acoustic Music Show
Artists: Feel free to tag us on twitter/facebook when playing a live session on a radio show and we will share it. You will find a submissions list to send your albums for airplay here: http://www.angehardy.com/artist-submissions
"The Folk Radio diary has been an enormous help to me as an independent artist!
I can't thank Ange enough for sharing it"
- Amy Goddard
A Resource for Folk Artists, Followers & Supporters: Featuring Recommended New Folk Releases.
This page is here to highlight recommended new folk releases providing a feature for selected albums with links, release date, video's, quotes and reviews in the hope of providing a platform for the artists releasing new albums but also to help folk fans to keep up with some of the latest releases.
I will not be able to add all releases to this page, it is in now way a comprehensive list, this resource is simply intended to be a spotlight on featured albums.
Artists: If would like your album to be added to the diary it needs to fit the following criteria...
1: Released on or after September 2016.
(I will not post anything that is not released in the current month)
2: Have a review or quote to be posted with it. (From a notable source)
3: Have a link to buy and a link to a video would be a bonus.
If you fit these criteria, please PM the page with the details. I will than add it to a database and post it when appropriate. (I will work on a 30 day turn around so will not post anything released more than 30 days before the post is made live. I cannot promise to post all requests)
Folk Fans: Please feel free to point me in the direction of your latest new discoveries and favorite albums and if they fit the above criteria, I will add them to the diary :-)
A Resource for Folk Artists, Followers & Supporters: Featuring Artists & UK Tour Dates #SABIA (support artists, book in advance)
This page is very much a spotlight on featured artists and their UK Tours. Most days, I will choose a recommended artist to feature sharing website links and tour posters. The aim is to help folk fans find their local venues and to be able to recommend a good evening out, to help artists to promote their events, get word out, get bums on seats and ultimately keep music live!
Promoters: I also use the pages to share live folk events and tours and you are welcome to tag the pages and post to the pages with your concerts, folk clubs, gig dates and line ups.
Artists: If you wish to be featured then I will need a link to your website and a downloadable tour poster with all of your upcoming dates on it. I can not promise to feature all artists who apply but will do my best!
Audiences: This resource is here to highlight some of the best acts on the folk scene, if you've never been to a folk concert or gig, there is a short blog here which may give you a good insight into what to expect:
#SABIA Support Artists, Buy In Advance blog:
Folk Findings is a Folk Show presented by Ange Hardy, Lukas Drinkwater and Rob Swan. Linking Traditional, Contemporary, Known and Unknown Folk Songs.
This show will be filled with tenuous links between songs finding our way from old to new, traditional to contemporary and unknown to classics. The format of the show is that we take in turns to find our way from the previously chosen song to a choice of our own until the final song where we decide who has come up with the most ingenious links during the show, the final song will be a favourite song chosen at random by the winner!
The show will be 90 mins long and broadcast details which are at the moment, top secret, will be disclosed in the near future.
There is a Facebook, Twitter and Mixcloud page for the show.
Watch this space!
Posted by Ange Hardy on October 5th 2016