Home Farm Festival 2012

I played on the Orchard stage this year ...in the cider tent... needless to say, I had to test one of the Pear ciders and have a little dance to some of the wonderful folk bands that played there this year. There was a wealth of local talent and some new acts who were a real highlight.
I played a very folkie set, drawing from my roots and loving the feel of the grass between my toes as I sang some of my new material written for FAWM 2012. It went down beautifully.
A huge thank you to all the organisers of HFF who work so hard to continue their good work and to put such a great event on my doorstep here in Yeovil every year.
The Piers Simon Appeal (PSA) was set up in memory of Piers aged 33 who died in the Indian Ocean Tsunami on the island of Koh Phi Phi in Thailand on December 26th 2004.
The PSA was launched at his memorial service on January 18th 2005 and charity status was granted on May 18th 2005.
The Piers Simon Appeal (PSA) is a UK registered charity that supports victims of disasters through Disaster Relief (DR) by providing financial contributions to communities and charities working at the heart of the disaster. Donations are made across all phases of the post disaster scale from emergency response to recovery.
The PSA also run the initiative School in a Bag (SIAB) where rucksacks containing stationery and resources are sent out to poor, orphan, vulnerable and disaster affected children worldwide.
Posted by Ange Hardy on June 24th 2012