FATEA Showcase Sessions
The Fatea Showcase Sessions are designed to provide greater exposure to artists that have impressed the Fatea team. Some are already signed, others are carving a solo trail, releasing songs on their own labels, all are dedicated to their music
Fatea Showcase Sessions are exclusively available for a three month period after which they will never be available again. The Fatea Showcase Sessions are zip files containing high quality, 256kbs, drm free, mp3s.
"The Fatea Showcase Session:Brushstrokes" is a zip file. There may be a delay before download starts on some systems
Download includes sleeve pack. Original image Sarah Bibra http://www.sarahbibra.co.uk
Details of previous Fatea Showcase Sessions can be found Here
Showcase Session - Brushstrokes - Winter 13
"Whilst the songs on The Fatea Showcase Sessions come to you, the listener at no charge, they are not free. The writers/performers have put money, time and effort into creating the songs on this compilation for your enjoyment. We hope that you take the time to visit the websites of the artists included here and consider purchasing their music. Fatea hopes that this compilation gives you a taste for folk and roots orientated music and that you will seek out the works of the artists included in this compilation and in the wider music community."
"Brushstrokes" is dedicated to all acts from solo artists, through duos to bands. Each act has their own style and we hope you'll appreciate each of their efforts. The Fatea Showcase Sessions are designed so not all of the acts come from the same genre. "Brushstrokes" is available from November 1st 2013 To January 31st 2014.
Please encourage your friends to collect their free copy of "Brushstrokes". If you could put a link to The Fatea Showcase Sessions on your website or Facebook etc, that would be fantastic. We want as many people as possible to hear each session. If you do pass on a copy to your friends, please pass on the full folder with sleeve pack.
If you can help promote the Fatea Showcase Sessions, you can get an A4 Flyer Here. Links always welcome, Thanks
Brushstrokes - Artists
Anto Morra - Ange Hardy - Harry Harris - The Foxglove Trio - Roxanne de Bastion - Alex Highton - Paul J Openshaw - Little Sparrow - Grassoline - Tiki Black - Gavin Davenport - Stylusboy - Poplar Jake - The Drystones - Nick Rooke - Stick In The Wheel
Anto Morra
Song:The Ballad Of Anto MorraBiography:Anto Morra released his debut solo album "Never Had To Shout" earlier this year. Drawing on both Irish and punk influences, his new album focuses on the narrative storytelling tradition of folk music.Website: http://www.antomorra.com
Ange Hardy
Song:Mother Willow TreeBiography:Ange Hardy is a folk songwriter from West Somerset. She combines beautiful storytelling, mesmerising vocal harmonies and delicate guitar work. Ange's ability to write folk songs that draw on the tradition is top draw.Website: http://www.angehardy.com
Harry Harris
Song:She Can Build A RiverBiography:Rooted in folk tradition; inspired by his upbringing listening to Van Morrison, Paul Simon and John Martyn, Harry Harris started writing and recording on an old Tascam 8 Track and hasn't looked back since.Website: http://www.harryharrismusic.com
The Foxglove Trio
Song:Newry TownBiography:The Foxglove Trio is a group of multi-instrumentalists who perform mostly traditional songs from around the British Isles in English and Welsh. The Foxglove Trio are making a name for themselves on the UK folk scene for their beautiful harmonies and creative arrangements.Website: http://www.thefoxglovetrio.co.uk
Roxanne de Bastion
Song:The Real ThingBiography:Roxanne de Bastion came to England from Berlin in 2007 and since then has spent many hours on trains getting to gigs and honing her skills. Roxanne released her debut album "The Real Thing" earlier in this year and has been playing extensively supporting it.Website: http://www.roxannedebastion.com
Alex Highton
Song:You've Got The TreesBiography:Singer Songwriter residing in the wilds of the Cambridgeshire Countryside. Currently working on his second album "Nobody Knows Anything" which YOU can be part of via Pledge Music. "World Class" Tom Robinson BBC6 Music.Website: http://www.alexhighton.com
Paul J Openshaw
Song:Crop CirclesBiography:Dorset based singer songwriter Paul Openshaw takes on the world with a certain wry wit and wink. Whilst some of his songs have a tongue firmly placed in his cheek, he's a man that's really serious about his music, something he is being recognised for by a growing audience.Website: http://www.paulopenshaw.com
Little Sparrow
Song:Sending The MessageBiography:With a blend of intriguing lyrics and tenderly beautiful vocals, the songs of Little Sparrow are projected with an honesty and passion. Her delicate folk songs are created with a combination of flawless vocals, strings, guitars, percussion and tender harmonies.Website: http://www.littlesparrow.org
Song:Waltzing AloneBiography:This track is taken from the EP 'Here But Not At Home Vol.1', the first of three EPs due from the band over coming months. It entered the Maverick-A-UK chart at no.3 and Fatea said of it:"The whole EP is nothing short of mesmerising"Website: http://www.grassoline.co.uk
Tiki Black
Song:ListenBiography:Paris born, Manchester based Tiki Black's reputation is starting to carry way beyond her North West base. Her personal songs striking a real, soulful, chord with her audience and fellow musicians alike. Her highly praised album "Out Of The Black" came out recently.Website: http://www.tikiblack.com
Gavin Davenport
Song:Jim Jones In Botany BayBiography:Gavin Davenport's songwriting and performance have drawn plaudits and admiration from some of the biggest names of the folk scene, and his songs are sung by other well respected performers all of which lead to an invitation to be a part of the Albion Band.Website: http://www.gavindavenport.com
Song:Eyes Form TearsBiography:Stylusboy is the creation of Coventry chap Steve Jones and Northern lass Rachel Grisedale. Arresting melodies and poignant lyrics bring life to their warm lo-fi folk. Their music is deliberately stripped-back, purposefully honest, capturing raw emotion at its heart.Website: http://www.stylusboy.co.uk
Poplar Jake
Song:See See MamaBiography:Poplar Jake takes pre-war blues as a template for his song writing whilst telling his own story. His most recent album, "From The Delta To The Docks", illustrates perfectly his blend of traditional and personal, explaining his rising recognition.Website: http://www.poplarjake.com
The Drystones
Song:The Cuckoo's NestBiography:The Drystones are two 17 year olds from Somerset playing lively folk on violin, guitar and whistle. At Glastonbury Festival 2013 they were Steve Lamacq's "recommendation of the day". For just two people they make a lot of sound!Website: http://www.thedrystones.co.uk
Nick Rooke
Song:Jericho WalesBiography:Nick's musical roots are in the Irish and American folk traditions, influences clearly apparent in his original songs. He and his band seamlessly blend these elements with a 'rock' feel and vigour, resulting in high energy performances that leave you wanting more.Website: http://www.nickrooke.co.uk
Stick In The Wheel
Song:Champion At Keeping Them RollingBiography:Stick in the Wheel play London folk music. They record to the sound of sirens and birdsong in their long-rented East End front rooms: real, raw and authentic, with their debut EP winning the band many plaudits.Website: http://www.stickinthewheel.com
Posted by Ange Hardy on November 3rd 2013