Recording 'The Lament of the Black Sheep' ~ Day 1 in the studio

I walked into beehive studio in Middlezoy armed with a pint of milk, a jar a coffee and my guitar, hugged Olly like it had been a year since I last saw him (which it had) and then proceeded to make coffee and music as if I'd never left. Oh the joys of recording with Olly! Like an extension of my own mind he finds his way around my thoughts and moves around my music in a way that only Olly can. Good God it's good to be back!

Set up took a few hours but I have still managed to get a stunning guitar track done for 'The Sailors Farewell', a main vocal and harmonys (although I will be re-recording a few parts of the main vocal in the morning) and I am one harmony layer away from it being ready for my guest musicians and me being read to start work on the next track. Not bad for a days work :-)

I booked into my B&B with a lovely family down the road from the studio and refuelled on chocolate cake! It was interesting talking to the kids on Skype... I've not done that before, it was a little odd not being able to reach out and have my normal, slightly sticky night time kiss from Luke and my squeezy hugs from Amy, it's only the first night and I'm already missing my family but I would be lying if I said I wasn't looking forward to an uninterrupted nights kip and a little lie in... that is if I can get to sleep, given how excited I am and the fact that I don't want to stop listening to todays track on loop... it may be easier said than done! I can but try... night all.

Ange x

Posted by Ange Hardy on March 27th 2014

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